LM Freeman
5 min readJul 16, 2020



My blood runs red, white, and blue. I am what you could call a “die-hard” patriot. In my mind, that means I believe I would gladly lay down my life for my country. I have also done the math on my faith. I believe I would gladly lay down my life for a friend or brother, or for the Name of Jesus…in other words, I believe and hope I would take the bullet before I would deny Him.

These lofty ideals have never been a conflict for me. Until now…

Suddenly, we are seeing our nation under a daily — even hourly — vicious and violent assault. An allegedly deadly virus is said to be running amok among us, and theories abound as to how it got here and what it may have been “sent” to do. Meanwhile, our history is being mocked and destroyed, and Americans are accused and condemned of heinous acts and beliefs that most of us don’t hold, all amidst cries to completely dismantle our way of life — democracy and capitalism enshrined by the U.S. Constitution.

And as I watch, my blood boils. I want to DO something! How do we stop it? How much time and money do I have to contribute to defending the United States from these evil and corrupt attacks? I am angered and impassioned every single day — morning, noon, and night. What do we need to be DOING to defend ourselves, our families, homes, pets, and property? Where could we go if we had to flee? What will I do if violent and aggressive protestors show up at MY gate?

So now we’ve got guns and ammunition, sustainable foods, and maybe even a little gold and silver. What other strategies should we be thinking about, and how much time do we have? Meanwhile, every day — I receive a steady electronic stream of appeals for donations to causes and organizations that claim to be fighting back on several fronts. How much can we give? What are they doing that we can be a part of? This gets me even more riled up and determined not to sit back and be silent.

Can they — can we together — save our beloved nation??? God — help me! I need wisdom to know what to DO!

And then one day, recently, as I called out to God again for wisdom and understanding about what to do, I heard that still, small voice deep in my heart-of-hearts ask: “Are you a citizen of the United States, or a citizen of the Kingdom first? Where does your loyalty lie?”

Isn’t it just like our God to cut right through all the noise? To so gently but firmly put His great and loving finger right on the real issue?! And in that instant, I realized the question is not about what to DO. It is about what to BE. It is about who I AM, and WHOSE I am.

His question made me realize I have placed our nation, our flag, our Constitution, our way of life, our patriotic pride, and perhaps even our president — above the Kingdom of God. I realized in that moment of being challenged that I must YIELD my patriotism, my love of country, my fierce defense of constitutional freedoms — to a greater passion, to a firmer conviction, to a fiercer defense and love for God’s Kingdom and its principles.

As hard as it is for me to admit — and for all we know — America may already be lost. And if it is, we must accept and realize it will ultimately be the Will of God to serve HIS purposes. That doesn’t mean we don’t continue to defend the USA with passion, patriotism, and hope. But are we citizens of the Kingdom of God first and foremost? Are we “heaven-bent” on declaring the Kingdom of God is HERE and are we passionately motivated now, more than ever, to usher in as many souls as possible to HIS Kingdom, at least as much as our motivation to “save America?”

And if America’s future is not a foregone conclusion, well, HALLELUJAH! In that regard, I am reminded that God raised up an unlikely patriot in our president when NO ONE — except my friend, Beth — believed Donald Trump was worthy or capable of the role (including me). And so I am also reminded that God always has a plan, and He always has Champions whom HE can raise up, appoint, and anoint — like little David — if He chooses. Do I trust Him to step in, to disrupt, to surprise, to deliver again? The Word says, “Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and ALL these things will be added to (us).” In other words, I can be about the business of the Kingdom and trust Almighty God to be about the business of preserving a nation that (I believe) He established.

So, as we watch America falter and the statues of her founding fathers fall, I must shift my primary allegiance and passions to expanding the Kingdom of our God, BEFORE trying to defend and expand the temporary and passing political and economic system that has afforded us and our forerunners the freedom to preach the Gospel and to prosper. And I think, if we are all honest with ourselves, we would admit we have used our freedom for prospering our own kingdoms rather than building the Kingdom.

As American Christians, we have been comfortable, we have been entertained, we have enjoyed the fruits of our land and labors, we have built large and luxurious churches with masterfully creative and excellently executed programs for every age, identity and lifestyle. We have prided ourselves on our lovely homes and successful children, and we have ensured that our church leaders have had the best of everything while we bestowed increasingly impressive titles on them…bishop, apostle, overseer.

And as we did all of this, the enemy advanced: The breakdown of the nuclear family, legalized abortion, gay marriage, public re-education based on marxist values, rampant illegal drug use and abuse, a “humanitarian” disregard for secure borders, deceptive healthcare and environmental agendas, and now the destruction of law and order.

But who among us has been a builder of the Kingdom in all these years of freedom and prosperity? Who among us has seen ourselves as citizens of the Kingdom first, before our “member in good standing” status in the “kingdoms” of our churches?

Ephesians 2:19 states we are citizens of the Kingdom. We have lost sight of that citizenship. I have lost sight of that citizenship! And now we are in a war for everything we know and hold dear. But more importantly, we are in a monumental spiritual battle for everything God holds dear.

Unless and until we shift at least some of the intensity of our patriotic passions, our primary allegiances, and our time and energy to focus on defending and expanding the Kingdom of God, we will not be able to wield the power of that Kingdom to open blind eyes, to soften hard hearts, to save souls, and to promote everlasting freedom and true justice, in Christ, for ALL. But by being citizens of the Kingdom first, and looking for opportunities to bring others to faith — we also create our best hope for saving our nation as citizens of the United States.



LM Freeman

Conservative, retired journalist, former MSNBC producer.